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Learning through teaching mathematics

Learning Through Teaching Mathematics

Learning through teaching mathematicsCollectif

Springer Verlag



Content Level » Research

Keywords » Mathematics Education Teacher Knowledge Teacher Learning Teacher Practice

Related subjects » Learning & Instruction Mathematics Education Psychologie



Part I: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives on Teachers’ Learning through Teaching

Chapter 1

Roza Leikin and Rina Zazkis

Teachers’ opportunities to learn mathematics through teaching

Chapter 2

John Mason

Attention and intention: Learning about teaching through teaching

Chapter 3

Ron Tzur

What and How might mathematics teachers learn via teaching: Contributions to closing an unspoken gap

Chapter 4

Roza Leikin

Learning through teaching though the lens of multiple solution tasks

Part II: Examples of Learning through teaching: Pedagogical mathematics

Interlude 1

Chapter 5

Rina Zazkis

What have I learned: Mathematical insights and pedagogical implication

Chapter 6

Marcelo Borba and Rúbia B. A. Zulatto

Dialogical education and learning mathematics online from teachers.

Chapter 7

Carolyn Kieran and José Guzmán

Role of task and technology in provoking teacher change: A case of proofs and proving in high school Algebra

Chapter 8

Nick Jackiw and Nathalie Sinclair

Learning through teaching when teaching machines: Discursive interaction design in Sketchpad

Chapter 13

Robin Marcus and Daniel Chazan

What experienced teachers have learned from helping students think about solving equations in the one-variable-first algebra curriculum

Part III: Examples of Learning through teaching: Mathematical pedagogy

Interlude 2

Chapter 9

Michal Yerushalmy and Shulamit Elikan

Exploring reform ideas of teaching Algebra: Analysis of videotaped episodes and conversations about them

Chapter 10

Peter Liljedahl

On rapid professional growth: cases of learning through teaching

Chapter 11

Lara Alcock

Interactions between teaching and research: Developing pedagogical content knowledge for Real Analysis

Chapter 12

Helen Doerr and Stephen Lerman

Teachers learning from their teaching: The case of communicative practices

Chapter 14

Dave Hewitt

Feedback: Expanding a repertoire and making choices


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